A kiss hello
Zachs sweet smile
Rain when its sunny
Zach sleeping
Zach laughing
Zach's kisses
A hug from family
An unexpected text saying hello
Watching Zach learn
Brothers and Sisters
Ministry working
The Girls I'm close to
Watching Zach and Geoffe wrestle
People getting along
Friends calling or visiting from out of town
Uncontrolable laughter
My husbands hand in mine
My moms smile
Sitting outside with my dad
A cool pool in the heat
A warm blanket when cold
A good book
Movies by myself
Zachs cries gone when he's in my arms
Madisons & Jakes hugs
Katies notes
Shelbys and Blakes sports
Michael and Sam growing up
Justins presence
Hume Lake
An encouraging conversation with a friend
Helping others
The Bible outside in the shade or at starbucks
i only see one thing about your husband though
There's a lot that has to do with him. A kiss hello. A hug from family. Uncontrollable laughter. Besides Zach everybody is specifically mentioned only once. Sheesh, didn't mean to offend.