Monday, February 6, 2012

Change is good??

Well, I thought I'd get on it and write a blog.  I have so much on my mind lately.  To give an example of how absent minded because of all the jumble in my head I'll refer to yesterday.  During the day I lost my sunglasses at the Bridge, I forgot to leave Zach's car seat with my sister who was hanging out with Zach and was going to take him to nephews football training, and I left my wallet at Walmart.  Through God's grace my wallet was turned in and my niece was able to watch Zach at home so he didn't need a car seat.  Still looking for those sunglasses.  So what is on my mind?  Well thanks for asking, it will be nice for me to unload it.

Tomorrow Zach turns one.  At this time last year I was trying to push Zach out.  Around 11:00 a.m. I was admitted to have a C-Section.  One year has gone by and my little boy is amazing.  He likes adventure.  He shows me this by pushing the limits.  Give him a stair case and he's all up for climbing it.  He loves to be outside.  He already enjoys digging in the dirt.  He is sweet, he even gives kisses sometimes when you ask for them.  He loves bath time.  He enjoys playing and splashing in the water.  He says mama, dada, gma, dog (da), ball (ba), bath(ba but a different sound for the a), He gets bored easily and I'm always having to entertain.  He's turning into the typical toddler.  He throws tantrums already.  He throws himself onto the floor and screams and stops just long enough to look and see if I'm going to do anything about it and if I ignore him he screams some more.  He loves to cuddle with mommy in the morning.  He's a mama's boy.  He's tough.  He's a healthy growing and active boy and he makes my heart jump with joy.  So through all the poop, colic, sleepless nights, and frustration there is joy there.  Lots of it.

We had a birthday party for Zach on Saturday.  Thank you to all the family and friends that attended.  Zach won't remember but I will and I will tell him how many people came to celebrate and love on his first birthday party.  Even though he enjoyed that sucker more than the cakc he had a good time and was exhausted at the end of the day.

So now for my cloud over me.  Change.  The most change for me that has happened this last month happens to be my workplace.  Saying goodbye has been a hard journey to walk and I still have a couple weeks left!  I've been at the Bridge for over 6 years I believe.  Its became my life.  Working with these kids has been amazing.  Meeting equally awesome parents has been so cool.  Seeing love and support from my friends on staff has been awesome.  Saying goodbye to this part of my life is hard.  I've recieved lots of encouragement, support, and love.  God has held me high in this part of my life.  He's given me verses through my day for hope.  He's walked along side of me everyday.  I literally see him walking next to me.  Carrying me sometimes when needed.  We have a good God that continues to love on us and be with us in the midst of change.  Yes, change is very hard but I have to believe that something really good will come because of all this change.  Good things are happening at the Bridge and they will continue to happen.  Our children's ministry is changing for the better.  I couldn't be more excited for our kids.  And whatever good this change brings into my life I don't know yet.  I'm sure years down the road I will look back and say "ah, thats why I had to go through that hard thing"   And until then I'm trusting in providance for our little family.  I'm praying for a new job soon. 

Thanks for all the support and love.  God has used all of it to help carry me. 
